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Privacy Notice

In this page, www.almamaterbio.it website management methods are described apply to users’ personal data treatment.

It is a regulation of personal data treatment according to art. 13 Decreto Legislativo 196/03 applied for users of our website services addressed via internet.

This privacy notice is not valid for other websites that can be eventually consulted through our links, for which AlmaMaterBio is not in any case responsible for.

Personal data treatment holder

Personal data treatment holder for information of identified people or identifiable data after using our website is AlmaMaterBio, legal head office in Via Tommaso Astarita 32, 80062 Meta (Napoles).
No information gathered through web services will be told or given to third parties. Personal data given by users are used with the only purpose to provide the service required and are not communicate to third parties except if the communication is imposed by law.

Surfing data

IT system and software processes used for the functioning of this website gather, during normal functioning, some personal data which are implicitly needed in internet communication protocols. These information are not gathered to be linked to identified users but, for their own nature, through elaboration and association processes with data hold by third parties, could let to users identification. In this data category are enlisted IP addresses, names domain of computers used by users who access the website, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of resources requested, request time, method used to file the deliver the request to the server, file dimension of the answer received, numerical code showing answer status given from server (accepted, error …) and other parameter related to operating system and IT user environment.
These data are used with the only purpose to obtain anonymous statistical information of the website use and to check the appropriate functioning and are immediately erased after their elaboration. Data could be used for responsibility inspection if hypothetical violation occur against the website.

Spontaneously provided data

Optional, explicit and spontaneous emailing to the addresses given on this website imply the following capture of the sender address,  necessary to requests reply, and other personal data eventually provided in the request. Synthetic notes will be provided or visualized in the website pages created for specific services.

Optional data

Aside from what specified for surfing data, user is free to give personal data in order to request services offered by AlmaMaterBio. Their omission might deny the access to the service required.

Data treatment methods

Personal data are treated with computerized tools for the time needed to accomplish the goal for which they are gathered.
Specific security measures are followed to prevent data loss, illegal use or non appropriate use or unauthorized access.  

Users rights

Personal data holders are protected by law according to art. 7 Decreto Legislativo 196/03 which, among other, states the right to know the presence of personal data and obtain its deletion, modification or update by contacting the owner of the personal data treatment above written.



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